FabFilter User Forum

Feature requests for Auria's Twin 2 (and all FF plug-ins for that matter)


Please, consider updating Twin 2's interface specifically for touch, so the knobs and sliders are bigger (twice the size would be a great start) and the floating window is able to be resized to full screen on the iPad.

Also, and that would be a great step forward for all of FF's plug-in in Auria, please alter the knobs behavior so long touching would stop the input of values, so we don't take our time moving the knobs to the exact value we want just to lose it by taking the finger out of the screen. Or/and please add an option of typing the values for all the knobs.

Huge fan of FabFilter in Auria, use the plug-ins everyday in the studio and at home. Cheers!


Thanks for the feedback! We'll definitely consider this when updating our plugins for Auria / iOS.


Frederik (FabFilter)



Will Twin 2 and One be getting full screen capability on iPad soon? I noticed the FX plugins can go full screen but not the synth.



We are looking into ways to make these plugins resizeable too.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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