FabFilter User Forum

Pro MB Rang knob


I have the pro mb for some time now but have difficulties to get the result I wanted. I manly use it for my drum bus.
I bought it to replace my Master X5 plug from TC electronic.

Anyway when I copy settings from other multiband plugins into the pro MB I hardly hear the pro MB doing something (when I put them in the Cubase multibandcompressor or the Izotope dynamics I clearly hear something is going on). Now I found out that this was mainly/also due to the Range knob. How can I compare the pro MB with other multiband plugins who don't have a range knob. Do I for instance put it completely down to -30db? or is there something else...?



The range knob limits the amount of compression/expension, so I guess if you don't want that you can take it down for max amount.

It is still strange, though, that you can't hear the compression, unless you use the other plugins in extreme conditions.

Try checking if the Pro-MB's mix knob (Bottom right part of the plugin) is not accidently set to something lower than 100%



No the mix knob is at 100%. When I scroll through the mix buss presets for instance I can hardly hear any difference (on my Event Opals) some exceptions there ofcourse like the Pop Radio presets.

I found out if I copy settings from other compressors I have to turn the range knob almost all the way down to get simular results. Problem with the range knob is when you turn it down the sound loses it's clarity and start to sound muddy.


You're adjusting the threshold knob(s) to properly react to the incoming audio level?

This could naturally be a reason why you're not hearing much difference, since it's quite vital for the compressor to trigger, which only happens based on the threshold.

I think it would also be really helpful if you could make a small video showing the problem. First show what you're aiming for, using another compressor, then show what you're getting with Pro-MB.

Torben Andersen

Thanks. I will adjust the treshold and see what's happening. Try to shoot a video when thinks are not working as it should and will post it later.


I'm confused.

Isn't the threshold one of the parameters you copied from other compressors?

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