FabFilter User Forum

All Fabfilter Plugins Going Black

Hey guys, recently my Fab plugins all go black. I load them up and it briefly shows the UI, then the screen goes black and I just have the window border and Cubase UI.

I'm on Cubase 9 in Windows 10 and it affects: Pro-Q2, Pro-C2, Pro-L, Pro-G, and Saturn. I haven't really changed anything recently, it just started happening in the middle of a fairly large game project we're finishing up sound on, so any help would be great! Thanks.

// Jed


Hi Jed,

To me this looks like a driver glitch caused by graphics acceleration. Can you try turning off graphics acceleration?

Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks Frederik, that did the trick!


Hi everyone and thanks for your help above,

I also have this “FabF plug-ins going black” thing on my MacBookPro with Reason.

So I opened my terminal and wrote the code line “ defaults write com.fabfilter.Common GraphicsAcceleration -int 0 ” but it doesn’t work. I tried relaunch reason, relaunch my computer, but Fabfilter plugins are still black.
Since I know nothing about code and terminal-wise things, my question is this :
When you hit enter after typing the command line, is the terminal supposed to give you a confirmation message or something ? Because here it doesn’t. It just give me another line with my computer / account names, awaiting for another command. I have no feeling whatsoever that the command was “accepted”.

Thanks for your help and outstanding work, and have a nice day


Hi Bast,

The Terminal is supposed to not give you any feedback. Do you have any other hosts on your computer that you can try? Do you have the latest version of our plug-ins installed? Which version of macOS?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi, I've just started having the same issue with all Fabfilter plugins in Cubase 10. This happened after I went online for the first time in a long while. I've tried the graphics accelerator thing that was suggested and my Windows 10 system is up to date. Please can you suggest something, as I'm deep into a project with multiple Fabfilter plugins. On top of ProQ 3, Pro R, Pro C2 etc, I have volcano 2, Pro L, Timeless 2 etc, which I can't download updated versions for, as you only have the new ones on the site.

James Lloyd-jones
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