FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter AM Radio Settings

I would love if someone could replicate the Orban Optimod's classic AM radio settings as a preset in FabFilter, or show me how to do it.


I meant to say for the Pro-MB plugin.


Did you found ant solution to your answer? I also looking for a radio-multiband processing like orban style preset.


I'm getting addicted to Youtube videos of this processing unit.
Putting creating Optimod settings on my to-do list. =)

Control Central

...but apparently there is much more going on under the hood of the Orban than just MB compression. From www.forums.stereotool.com/viewtopic.php?t=27961:

"my preset replicates the audio chain almost as it is layed in the 8182, starts at the phase rotator, to the compressor and then the limiting circutary. in S.T, the audio chain starts at the phase delay, acting as a phase rotator, multiband1 as a 2 band RMS compressor, multiband2 as an HF limiter, as this is an FM processor and the advanced clipper as a final clipper. that was a major challenge replicating the 8182 on S.T but i think ive just made a preset that sounds very close. the attack and release timings in the 8182 and 8100 is controlled by the black epoxy bricks because of how compolicated it is, it automaticly adjusts the timings according to the material and this made it very hard indeed to make somthing that sounds good."

I've also seen that for other broadcast limiters such as the CBS Volumemax, often there is a signal chain of a few processors doing the work such as Aphex 320->Audimax->Volumemax, etc. So it is more complicated than it seems.

Control Central
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