FabFilter User Forum

Pro-MB: New features suggested

I suggest these features to be added to this plugin:

Feature 1:
L/R processing. I strongly miss it when I want to get a balance on a wrong recorded overhead track.

Feature 2:
Mid/Side and L/R spectrum analyzer. Maybe it is not the feature I want the most, but it might be helpful in some situations.

Feature 3:
Well this is not exactly a feature, but rather a change.
Sometimes I'm treating a band frequency and I press 'solo' on another one. Then I start working on it, but after a while I realize I'm not treating what I'm hearing. Indeed, I'm treating the band I was treating before.
I would like that clicking 'solo' on a band means get selected automatically.

I hope you think about these suggestions. Aside from them, I am waiting a great Fabfilter's dynamic EQ (;


Hi Oscar,

Thanks for the suggestions, we'll consider them! (Apart from #2, see www.fabfilter.com/forum/2954/pro-q2-new-features-suggested for my response to that.)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,
I'm about to purchase a bunch of your fabulous plugins - but I am desperately missing the FabFilter Dynamic EQ. Would be so great to have one and to have FabFilter cover the whole range of plugins I need for my recordings :)
Best regards,

Lutz Vogelsang

We hear you! But for now, you can create many of the same types of effects with Pro-MB. Pro-MB approaches dynamics-based frequency processing from the compressor side, while a dynamic EQ would do this from the EQ side. Then they meet somewhere in the middle. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

"Sometimes I'm treating a band frequency and I press 'solo' on another one. Then I start working on it, but after a while I realize I'm not treating what I'm hearing. Indeed, I'm treating the band I was treating before. I would like that clicking 'solo' on a band means get selected automatically."

+1 to this suggestion.

You know, it's very interesting ... clearly, FF personnel understand that using a computer is different from using rack-mounted devices and physical boards. You've kept that difference in mind when designing the UIs for your products. It was smart. Very smart, indeed.

Yet, as time goes by and your plug-ins are adopted and mileage begins to accrue, users will encounter seemingly minor issues that are both real-world and problematic.

The suggestion offered above is one of those. Everybody's brain is different, of course, as are their production processes and habits. I can only assume that the feature under discussion is something that some people don't even realize because they don't encounter it ... probably because their user behavior sequence includes changing bands before soloing.

If I and the user/poster above are outliers, so be it. I'm not so sure, though. Were I on FF dev team, I'd add this item to the upgrade/improvement task board. It's a real nagger in my experience.





I'm glad to know I am not the only one!

It is something I always do, and I hate when it happens

Fabfilter guys take care about their products, so I bet they will hear us and change this ''issue''



Hi guys,

Our reasoning was that you should be able to solo and mute bands without changing the current selection. But I definitely see the point that if solo a single band, it's not intuitive to not select it as well. We'll make a note to change this for the next Pro-MB update.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Frederick, I'm saddened by your recent statements that customers should rely on Pro-MB to cover their dynamic EQ needs. I am a happy owner of Pro-MB (and nearly all of your other plugins), but any serious user will tell you that there are several reasons why Pro-MB cannot replace a true dynamic EQ in numerous common mixing and mastering situations.

As many others have pointed out, dynamic EQ's have become an essential mixing and mastering tool in recent years, and I was banking on your company's previous statements over the years that you were working on one. It now appears that this is not the case, at least for the foreseeable future.

I am a very loyal FabFilter customer, but I am now essentially forced to send my money to one of your competitors that offers a dynamic EQ, such as Brainworx, Sonnox, Izotope, Waves, Melda, Voxengo, etc.

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