FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q2: New features suggested

I've been thinking about some features that could be added to Pro-Q2.

Feature 1:
The possibility to turn on/off a L/R or M/S spectrum analyzer - Pre and Post positions.
In some plugins like apQualizr each spectrum has its own color, so you can differentiate each one easily.

Feature 2:
L/R and Mid Side processing at the same time. I don't know any EQ with such feature.

Feature 3:
The possibility to assign some parametres to a LFO control. This would allow us to create a kind of 'wah-wah' or 'phaser' effect.

Hope you add this, cheers!


Hi Oscar,

We've considered all of these. :-)

1. We decided not to have a per-channel option for the spectrum analyzer because we thought it would not be visually clear to have all these different spectrum curves at the same time.

2. We don't offer L/R and M/S processing options at the same time because it visually complicates the interface: you need five buttons instead of three, and more importantly four result curves instead of two. And you can just get this effect by placing two Pro-Q 2 instances serially, one set to L/R, and the other set to M/S channel mode.

3. We could of course offer all kinds of modulation options to Pro-Q, but we think an EQ plugin is not the best place for it. Instead, try Volcano:


Frederik (FabFilter)
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