FabFilter User Forum
some improvement ?
Hi there
I'm a user of your plugin for a few month now, with a very high satisfaction :)
I have some remark though, that I think may help to make them even better.
Let's start with Pro-MB. My main request would be to be able to control the threshold directly in the main interface, instead of the output level or the range for example. Indeed, as a post mixer, I do a lot of live threshold tracking, and it's really hard to do it with this interface. My second request would be directly connected to that : I appreciate the idea of midi controlling, with a custom mapping (this is so much missing on artist mix, S3 and S6...). But that would be very great to have a two way midi signal, that would be able to send to value back to the midi controller, and then be able to control the threshold for example with motorized fader, like I always do with a d-control.
Another one would be a new feature about the sidechain, or maybe a new plugin. The idea would be to consider not the signal, but the derivate of the signal, to compress the transient only, like the waves transx does. That would be very great...
Thanks for the suggestions! I don't really understand your remark about the threshold though. There is a Threshold knob in Pro-MB, why doesn't that work for you? Or do you mean you'd like to have a global Threshold setting for all bands?
yes there is a knob, but you have to click on the band to access it, so I guess it's fine for static setting, but that makes it very difficult to do a complex tracking with different moves for each threshold (like I always do actually). I modify the threshold values way more than the range for example, and the range is easily accessible for all bands... I don't wanna make comparison with other brands but the way it is on wavearts multidynamics is practical for example
I see! We'll think about whether we can make the threshold editable in the display in some way.
I second the request to make the threshold adjustable from the display and not just the parameter window.
I'm not a huge fan of the pop-up parameters I must say. Especially in Q2 they are quite often in the way when you want grab a curve that's underneath the window.