FabFilter User Forum

Pro-MB Knob Rotation Behavior

Are there any other users of NOB CONTROL on here?

One reason I got it is to fine tune plugin parameters with a dial and not a mouse.

I notice that with Pro-MB for example, it's hard to predict direction the knobs will turn.

Sometimes a left turn makes the threshold control turn left as well, but sometimes a left turn makes it go to the right and it's confusing and not ideal.

I notice this in both WaveLab and REAPER.

I also notice now when using a mouse that I can't always predict which way the knob will turn.

Is there a reason for this?

Justin Perkins

I also think it happens in other Fab Filter plugins but I used Pro-MB as the example because I notice it most with the threshold knob for the frequency bands.

Justin Perkins

If it works by slightly adjusting the mouse position, it probably matters where you place the mouse cursor to start with. You should place it at the center of the knob, not on the arrow, otherwise you're entering rotational drag mode which most likely causes the problem that you're describing.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey Frederik,

Perhaps this is a good time to remind you that people complain about this issue alot, including me.

I hope you guys consider letting the user disable this "rotational drag mode", cause even when you're aware of this, sometimes you just click on the arrow by accident.

Thanks :}


Thanks Frederik,

I'm sure that's what's causing this. I was unaware of the arrows and how that changes things.

I do agree with Yroth that it would be good to have a way to disable this "rotational drag mode".

Justin Perkins
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