FabFilter User Forum

Permanent spectrum grab vst3 bug?

Hi guys!

If i use the vst version of the new pro q 2 update in cubase 9. The permanent grab disappear within the normal spectrum if no Audio is incoming. Is this a Bug ?


Within = i mean "with" :D


Same problem here! Anyone know if this is a bug?
Its absolutely not workable if you want make spectrum grab or even see the analyses working...thats so essential for my workflow!!!


Hi guys,

I'm not sure if I fully understand what's going wrong. Could you e-mail us at info@fabfilter.com and send us a screen capture movie or a more detailed description of this issue? Thanks!

Floris (FabFilter)

same problem for me.
I updated today and now if no audio is coming in ( for example if I pause the audio) the spectrum grab just disappears.
Annoing because its gone so quickly before I could grab anything :(


forgot to mention
Im using vst3 with sonar.


The same behavior also here in Cubase 9.
The older version of Pro-Q2 shows the spectrum grab after the input signal is gone until you move the mouse out of the grab area.
In the new 2.11 version the spectrum grab disappears soon after there is no more audio input.
It is a bug in Pro-Q2 but not in the DAW.


Got it, I can reproduce it in Cubase 9. Doesn't happen in all hosts though, e.g. in Studio One the spectrum just stays up. We'll look into it.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Same problem here.
Sonar platinum 64bit.
I've been demoing now.


We know what causes the problem and we'll fix it in a future update. For now, you could use the VST2 version of Pro-Q 2 instead.


Frederik (FabFilter)

But when you use the VST2 version all the settings made with the VST3 version are gone...

Any solution for this?


You can save the settings as a temporary preset and load that into the VST2 plugin. Automation has to be recreated unfortunately.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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