FabFilter User Forum

Did Pro Q2 Q/gain-Scroll options/directions change?

So this is driving me a little mad. Did Pro Q2's Gain and Q scroll directions change with this recent update? Or am I a crazy-person?

It seems now that the scroll directions flip whether you are above or below the 0db line, which to my muscle memory, it seems like that was not the case on older versions.

Is there a setting I missed that allows for single direction scroll lock? Manual shows nothing of the sort and same with going through all the menus....


The direction of Q change has always depended on whether the curve is above or below the zero dB line. The idea is that dragging upwards will give you more overall volume, dragging downwards will decrease the volume. So if the curve is positive, dragging up will make it wider, dragging down will make it narrower. We felt this to be the most intuitive way for Q dragging to work.

What we did change in the latest update, is how the interaction of gain and Q dragging works. Previously, the Q drag direction was determined by the gain of the curve at the time you started dragging, but now it is determined when you press the Ctrl/Cmd key. So if you start dragging with a positive curve, drag it below the zero dB line, and then press Ctrl/Cmd to change the Q, dragging upwards will make the curve narrower.

Hope this post explains things and also shows how much thought we've put into it. :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)
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