FabFilter User Forum

Add Band in Saturn

How does one add a new band in Saturn? I've only been able to do it by starting with a multiband preset. I'm sure it's obvious but I'm missing it and didn't see it in the manual.


Hey akavalve,

I use Fabfilter via Auria on iOS, but it should be the same all round.
If your starting with the default, there is a (+) straight up above the 'Drive' knob, just below 'A/B Copy' (top of the plugin).

If you can't see the + in other presets, you need to click on the screen within a band. Or just double tap/click to create a new 'Crossover Frequency Slider', (limited to 6 bands).

Tip: if the band is too narrow, it won't show the (+).



In the regular version, hovering at the top of the display will show the add button.

See also:


Frederik (FabFilter)
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