FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Pro-DS 2

I've been thinking it would be a great idea to add an EQ and a compressor / limiter inside Pro-DS. This processors would affect only 'esser' sound and keep the rest of the signal intact.

In E2Desser from Eiosis, you can compress this sound with Auto knob, contol the dip-EQ and add distortion with Smooth knob. Other plug-ins like Pro-MB have range, EQ, threshold, attack, release... But if you process the frequency range of this annoying sound you will process other pleasurable artefacts too, like attack consonants.

If Fabfilter adds this idea to Pro-DS to create Pro-DS 2 they would have the most powerful De-Esser in the market. That is my opinion.

Cheers and hope you add this!

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