FabFilter User Forum

Dynamic EQ

Will there ever be a dynamic component to your EQ?

Gary Lux

there is no need for having a separate dynamic eq as the pro M can also work as alternative to dynamic eq


F8 - that's not quite accurate.

Pro-MB's bands are pretty wide,
You can't use it, for example, to "kill" a specific frequency when it goes above a threshold.
There are many uses for dynamic EQ,
If there weren't, it wouldn't exist :)

Fabfilter usually says it's on their wishlist, so now we wait :}



I've used Dynamic EQ with McDSP - AE400
iZotope includes it with Neutron.

The MB, however fantastic, is not nearly narrow enough. FabFilter needs to add this to their EQ. gl

Gary Lux

Hi guys,

Dynamic EQ'ing is certainly high on our wish list! We probably won't build this into Pro-Q, but create a separate, dedicated plug-in for it. Mainly to keep Pro-Q as lightweight as possible, both in terms of CPU/RAM and features.

Floris (FabFilter)

Can't wait ;)



Thanks Floris!

Gary Lux

Come on, guys, get on it!

Lol. I'm hoping in whatever way possible to put a little heat on your asses to get on this - otherwise when the time comes I'll need to go with Sonnox, who released a dynamic EQ a few days ago. Looks totally rad and as time goes on this sort of tool is going to become core. I'd rather give my money to Fabfilter than Sonnox...however if I were in the final mixing stages on my current project I probably would be giving money to Sonnox right now, because the tool doesn't exist here yet!

Get on it! I want to see a Dynamic-EQ announcement in my mailbox in by the end of the year so I can give you my money.

By the end of the year!

I'll Second That Emotion

Wat a nice, friendly and encouraging way of asking for something...


... there's so much we'd like to do... and so little time :-) Really, at some point we'll create a dynamic EQ plug-in! But we also need to give our existing plug-ins some love and attention...

Floris (FabFilter)


Assaf Weiss

Aw come on Frank, that was tongue-in-cheek. Actually I appreciate that they are investing in improving what they're already offering, but still, bring it on as soon as possible please!

I'll Second That Emotion

Yup - yet another company cashing in the bucks on a dynamic EQ:


All that money going to other companies that could be going into Fabfilter's pocket if Fabfilter would just invest in being on the ball.

Sigh - what a shame to see Fabfilter falling behind the crest of the wave like this - a company that used to be cutting edge. I've been proud of having Fabfilter in my toolbox, I'd hate to be embarrassed to tell someone I'm using it because they'll think of me as someone who uses antiquated software, with their mixes sounding sparkly with their new dynamic tech and mine sounding like a drab out-of-fashion static eq mix from the lame 2000's.

So it looks like I'll probably need to give another company my money to get the most relevant new mixing and mastering tech because Fabfilter doesn't have the balls or vision to invest resources there yet.


But we'll see, sometimes companies change their mind and snap themselves out of their trance to actually up-and-about and stay relevant and up-to-date in the field they are supposedly specializing in.

Not all the time, though, sometimes they become complacent or think they're okay where they are or lose the will to maintain innovation, meanwhile the market blows past them and soon enough they are eating the dust of their competitors.

I'll Second That Emotion

Floris, I'm saddened by your most recent message that seems to imply that FabFilter has not yet even started on a dynamic EQ. As many others have pointed out, this has become an essential mixing and mastering tool in recent years, and I was banking on your company's previous statements over the years that you were working on it.

I am a very loyal FabFilter customer and own nearly everything you've ever created. I am now essentially forced to send my money to one of your competitors.


I understand you, Josh

I've been trying the Sonnox Dynamic EQ and it's just awesome. Now, I don't know whether buy it or wait for FF's.

We have no idea about when Fabfilter will release its dynamic EQ, but I need one in my mixes. If they gave us a clue, I might wait for it...

But if I don't buy Sonnox, how long will I have to wait? Months, years...?


Well, Oscar, considering this was on their "To Do" list in 2013:


and here we are in 2017 with it still being something "to do", I guess the clue may be how many items they have on their to-do list and where a Dynamic EQ falls on that list. 4 years later, no progress...so off of the information in this thread it sounds like Sonnox is the way for anyone wanting to actually accomplish something in 2017 and 2018...unless they make a change.

I'll Second That Emotion

The Sonnox is approx. €280 at the moment. Why they didn't include low and high pass filters in it, I cannot fathom: it completely defeats the purpose for those who want (not me, but I get it) a single EQ plugin per track to do all the EQ they want to do, whether static or dynamic.

I'm also looking forward to FF's take on a dynamic EQ (though I hope a channel strip is higher up on the list) but in the meantime I spent €50 on TDR Nova GE when it came out (there's a free version with fewer bands / features but fully functional) and I have my dynamic EQ needs pretty well covered, and it's not such a huge investment that when Pro-DQ comes out I'll have any qualms about buying it too. If I know me at all, I'll watch Dan's video and it will be an instant purchase, no trial needed. YMMV and all that.



Does anyone use or have experience with Hofa IqEq?

I'll Second That Emotion

I really don't understand why this isn't the highest priority. I own most of your plugins but your EQ is still by far my favorite release. In 2017 you really would expect it to have been updated with support for dynamic EQ though and it's painful to read it might not even be in development yet.


When they showed us a teaser about a new plugin last November, I thought it was a Dynamic EQ, but I was wrong - it was Pro-R. I got disappointed.

To my mind, what really makes Fabfilter shine is the transparent processing they achieve in their EQ and compressors.

Pro-R is cool, but honestly, there are a lot of reverbs far better out there.

Please, focus all your efforts on designing your Dynamic EQ.
Ask yourself why everybody waits a FF's dynamic EQ.


"Ask yourself why everybody waits a FF's dynamic EQ."
Honestly I'm asking myself this and still didn't get it. I mean obviously there exist many dynamic eqs so what would be the point about another one from FF ??
All FF plugins offer some very unique (and useful) features, so in my opinion would be the release of another dynamic eq (for the only reason it will sell, because many people think it's something trendy) not very FabFilter like.
Btw. Pro-R is awesome!


Flo, why do you think Fabfilter wouldn't bring something unique to the table on a Dynamic EQ? I think it's precisely the point of this entire thread that specifically and uniquely FabFilter take on the Dynamic EQ is desirable, currently lacking, and apparently barely a glimmer in their eye, which to me is truly insane considering what they appear to be "experts" in. Oscar is right, wtf is up with another reverb when they are not even addressing to what is now a core competency in their own apparent discipline?

You don't get it because basically you see there are a lot of Dynamic EQ's, so why would we need another one? Do you have any idea how many reverbs existed before Pro-R? I sure don't. And yet FF was able to bring it's unique perspective to bear upon it, and you love it. The thought that Dynamic-EQ is somehow dead to innovation and that FF couldn't apply their sensitivities to it to and bring us an even better product than the competitors to me isn't a sound assessment, and is actually a perspective more appropriately applied to reverb than a Dynamic-EQ.

The very thing you typed could have been typed very understandably about reverb before Pro-R was released..."another reverb?...really?..........effin' Really?!?!".

My perspective on this is exactly the opposite of yours - there's something about a reverb that to me stinks of "for only the reason it will sell" (sic) to quote your own comment. It would have been a ballsier, more focused and more professional move to release a Dynamic-EQ, but it would have brought in less cash because it's a more specialized tool that less of the populace uses. So it may be a sound and better business decision, and it certainly doesn't hurt that they made an R, but really guys (speaking to FF if you're listening), you're already half a decade behind your competitors in mastering, and you offer a mastering suite...get with it. Why are you not AHEAD of them?!

I'll Second That Emotion

btw I don't propose considering this in terms of Pro-Q vs. DEQ.

I actually think the most they have to gain from the general idea presented by the new EQ variants is that they can apply the concepts of dynamism and intelligence across the entire FabFilter line. They could increase the value of their entire line 10+ fold and just nix the separate "Dynamic IQ" idea, as all of their plugins are now dynamic and intelligent by design. This would be "ahead", or maybe "abreast".

And again, I think just using the word "intelligence" in the plugin names and including dynamism alongside it within the plugin would be the best marketing. "Pro-IQ" sounds damn good. "Pro-IC" not too bad either.

I'll Second That Emotion

When there will be FF dynamic eq


HOFA's got a pretty good eq/dynamic eq called the IQ-EQ. PLus it has separate high and lowpass filters in addition to the 6 bands. Also does mid/side per band.


Just want to bring up some attention here since Pro L2 is coming as expected. (probably have been expecting it since 2013?)

Yes, this is urgent! We need a Pro-DQ !!! (like this name by Felix)

Fabfilter is the master of designing these essential mixing and mastering tools - their functionality, simplicity, creativity and sound quality are one of a kind!

We want to see a Fabfilter's take on Dynamic EQ!
so please at least give us some more clue other than "it's on top of the wishlist"... How's it going?



During mixing I was searching for a fab filter dynamic eq!!! You guys need to do this. It will be widely appreciated I think :)

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