FabFilter User Forum

"EDM Master" in PRO MB


In Pro MB there are 3 presets called "EDM Master" #s 1-3 which presumably are meant to be used in a row. I actually like the sound that results from them, but can anyone shed some light into what each stage is doing and why? It seems to be one stage of expansion, one of compression, and one where the bass is compressed and the highs are expanded. Where did this combination result from? Is this a well known technique?



yeah Im wondering the same thing just googled this and your question is the only thing that comes up, so I thought i would give it some internet love and hopefully it helps to get the answer we are looking for haha. I'm literally realizing and wondering the very same stuff as you so I am of no help other than to say that I like to use this every once i a while and I usually like the result!


Actually those aren't meant to be 3 steps, but 3 different starting points to improve (or not) your master/mix! Every song is different, so the presets are like a "guesses" FabFilter drops to help people get a nice starting point! For a starter, my advice is to flip thru the presets, find a favorite and try to tweak it to improve even more your sound!

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