FabFilter User Forum

Room Correction with proQ2?

Hi interweb.

I just wanted to ask if anybody has eperience. With ProQ2 for Room Correction.

There are completle Roomcorrection packages u can buy for 250-300€ (even more). But there is also Freeware for measuring like REW (Room EQ Wizzard), DRC: Digital Room Correction or Audionet Carma.
That give u Parameters for an EQ.

I Wonder if anyone here has some epertise aboud these solutions. And maybe some great solution, That includes Windows Soun also. (That YT and other media get correctet too.)
I have fiddled around with Digital Audio Cable Stuff.
I Would love if i Could run A ProQ2 right bevore the output of the Soundcard.

I used other Freeware EQ earlyer. (And right now i havent taken the time to setup every thing.)

It Would be loveley if somebody with Experience Could share his knowledge.


Hi Jay,
a very late response to your question....

Yes - I am using Pro-Q2 for room correction (Linear phase mode) in Cubase and Foobar.
Works like charme. I am correcting left and right with a dedicated instance of Q2.
The correction curve was made with Room EQ Wizard.

Hope this helps.



I'm using Pro-Q2 for room correction in Zero Latency mode.

Personally, if the eq curve is severe I wouldn't use the Linear Phase mode, because it may compromise the monitoring when mixing punchy sounds like drums. That's because you may notice some quiet frequencies rising up before the impact of the sound.

Moreover, it will increase the latency of your monitoring.

Just my point of view.


Hi Oscar,

thanks for the reply. Yes, I am aware of the latency and pre-ringing.
From time to time I switch to natural phase if needed.

I am happy that someone else is using Q2 for that purpose as I am not a fan of concolution based room correction.


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