FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q2 /MB Design

Two more ideas for the design.

The horizontal lines. If i understnd it correct they show the. +/- dBA values of the parameters.

Exept 2 or so on the bottom.

I Would love if you make those for the EQ params. in a nice fine desaturated orange.

And those for the analyzer in grey maybe one thiner for each 5dB.

I think that would be not to cluttery atleast in fullscreen mode.

And second.
It would be awesome if u display in the left or right top or bottom corner. What Freq and dB value is for the mouse location.

That would be awesome in my homle opinion.

Still great thx for one of the best EQ plugins in the market.


+1 for freq/dB mouseover display


Thanks for the compliments! We'll consider adding some form of mouse over display.


Frederik (FabFilter)

gr8! Thanks have a good day Frederik.

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