FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter staff's personal favorites

The FabFilter staff laudably seems to be quite active on this forum - answering personally to the users' problems and suggestions. Thank you for that!

Considering how feature packed and awesome all of FabFilter's plugins are, I would really want to know... what plugins and/or features are FabFilter's developers or the team in general most proud of? What aspect of your products and/or what plugin do you like the most personally? I assume they all are your little babies... but which one do you love most and why?


Hi Sven,

Interesting question! For me Pro-Q 2 is where we've best been able to realize our vision of an elegant, beautiful interface combined with powerful processing. But I like all our plugins of course, the Pro plugins but also the Creative line -- I think these may sometimes get underestimated a bit. Especially Twin 2 is still a great synth, and I was very happy to see that Music Tech magazine picked it as one of the best 12 soft synths of all time. :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Yes, Pro-Q 2 is really an outstanding plugin. The feature of Pro-Q 2 and Pro-C 2, where you can mute everything else except the affected part of the audio signal, really made me finally understand and control compression and equalization better.

Those two are IMHO the best plugins ever released.

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