FabFilter User Forum

AuriaPro Pro-Q2

Hi, I am a big user of AuriaPro and have a number of Fabfilter plugins including Pro-Q2.

I cannot seem to get the Spectrum Grab facility to work. Can you please confirm if it works on the AuriaPro version and if so how. I can turn it on but cannot grab the peaks as suggested.

Many thanks



It's currently disabled in the Auria version of Pro-Q 2, primarily because it was designed to be triggered by a mouse over action, which is not possible on the iPad. We're planning to address this in a future update of our Auria plug-ins.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Is it still planned to enable spectrum grab in Auria version of Pro-Q2? When you think it's likely to be released?


Working on it right now!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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