FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q2 Automation bug ..

Dear Fabfilter.

I'm having issues with (a rather extreme case of automation) usage of Pro-Q2 .. but i guess this is also where bugs and feature requests might show up. This is what i'm trying to accomplish:

I have a number of string parts recorded in a very dead room - and thus overtones are very uneven - so unfortunately i need to make a vast amount of very narrow notches. In an ideal world, these are made on a note by note basis - and thus i'm trying to map individual midi-notes to groups of multiple eq-band's on/off switch, to "play" the string part in ProQ ..

.. but for starters midi-notes are not map'able; seems only controllers will do .. and even cc's mapped to an on/off switch produce very unexpected behavior (to the point of crash in Cubase 6.5.5 @ Windows 8.1). I'll be happy to provide you with a bullet-proof repro ..

Here is what i'd really like to be able to do:

Set up a number of eq-band in an "eq group"; assign it to a midi-note and trigger the on/off state via. midi-notes *without* zipper-noise.

I can live without the "eq-group" feature - but could you *please* make midi-note-on/off events map'able to the on/off state of an eq-band .. without crashing the host!

You're very welcome to write me at rune@fishcorp.dk or call me at +45-22642290 if you need an explanation :)

Rune @ FishCorp / Copenhagen

Rune Borup / FishCorp

.. "an easy fix" could be a number of ProQ 'states' triggered by individual midi-notes. I could easily imagine this usage scenario apply to rouge notes in a lead-vocal, where you'd want a very specific eq-fix for a very isolated moment, without (counter)automating the general eq ..

.. pretty please :) .. Think about it .. ?


Rune Borup / FishCorp

Hi Rune,

I totally understand what you are looking to do. Could you for now instead try to simply automate the enabled setting of an EQ band in Pro-Q using regular host automation (so forgetting about the link with MIDI notes)? The Band State parameter has three values (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - unused). You want to alternate between "0" and "1". In the display, disabled bands are shown as dimmed.

Please send us the way to reproduce the crash in Cubase... we'd love to be able to fix that. Just send everything that's needed to us via email.


Frederik (FabFilter)

+1 for at least allowing MIDI note # to be used in MIDI control-- Where it makes sense to use toggles (bands on/off, bypass, maybe slope), it is easier for some controllers to output notes for these, than deal with CC# on encoders.

I also experienced a crash when doing this (using CC encoders to change toggles) in Pro Tools 11.3.2.


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