FabFilter User Forum

More requests! (and a related question)

It seems that we're on a roll bombarding F&F with requests, so here are a couple of mine (some I've made before but I thought I'd bump them so they don't get lost):

  • Pro-Q2: one thing that has me reaching occasionally for SlickEQ is the flat tilt filter. Some times it's just what the doctor ordered and it would be great to have it in Q2.
  • Pro-MB: steeper slopes, please, pretty please! 96 dB/oct and narrower bands would be sooooo useful for surgical stuff...
  • Pro-MB: with M/S processing, when you're doing X% Mid or Side only, it would be great to be able to toggle the visualization between M+S, Mid only or Side only. I guess what is shown now is a sort of average of the two (or is it?), but when I'm doing an intermediate X% Mid or Side, I'd like to see how much each is being compressed separately. Even if it's a global button, not necessarily per band, in fact this would be best to give you an overall picture of what's going on in the Mid and Side signals.

And I know, mix with your ears, but this is for surgical stuff where, at least IME, seeing it helps speed things up workflow-wise.

And here's the related Pro-MB question: if you have a band with, say, 60% Mid only, what is it that's different for Side that makes it compress less: the threshold (higher), the ratio (lower), a combination of both?



Flat tilt and steeper slopes: we'll consider them!

At the moment, in Pro-MB, the real-time level visualization for each band in the display doesn't take the stereo link setting into account at all. It just shows the regular level as if you have the slider set to the 0-100% range (first half of the slider). We could do something about this, but as you noted, the problem is that there are multiple possible levels to show.

Finally, to implement the mid-only or side-only processing, we simply scale the amount of gain change that's coming out of the detector stage of a band, distributing it unevenly over the M and S channels. So at 100% mid-only, it's only applied to the M channel and the S channel is left untouched. Hope this helps!


Frederik (FabFilter)

That makes sense Frederik, many thanks for the explanation.


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