FabFilter User Forum

Keyboard to the top Q2

Hi there another feature request from me. Would be that you make it possible to move the keybord to the top.
Because ovten most interesting are teh highest peaks. And you have to trace a long way down. Often i take a notch disable it and. move it at the position to see what (Note ,Freaquency) it is.

Or u make a toggle option that makes it able to display (note, freq)next to the cursor.

Would be awesome. IMO


Hi Jay,

If you have the piano keyboard enabled in Pro-Q 2, the value display that pops up next to an EQ curve also shows the note number that corresponds to the frequency. Maybe that helps you?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I know that feature this is not what i meant. I made 2 pictures hope they explane them self.

I Just mean u should maybe give the option to move Freq and keboart up because it would make it easyer to "read" the analyzer output.



Figured it out

- Open Midi Track with source and insert Volcano
- Record second Midi Track and route to Volcano

John Hauser

I'm sorry John Hauser i dont get what u mean.

I want a GUI improvement. That makes it easyer to read the Analyzer of ProQ2.

It would be great if we would be able to choose if the keys or freq numers are Displayed on top or at the bottom.

I think Top is better beause usually the loudest freq. Is most importand. Not the one that is silent. That is why i would love to have the read out on top not bottom. Although displaying it on the bottom looks great.


I see your point! I hadn't realized you wanted to see the note values for the frequency spectrum. Putting the keyboard at the top is aesthetically not so pleasing but we'll see if we can think of another solution. :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

I don't see any aesthetic issue with having the keyboard at the top. Looks perfectly normal to me. I am a HUGE fan of FabFilter plugins partially because of this brilliant layouts, and I don't feel this would take away from that at all. It could perhaps just be a setting in options for keyboard location.

I do totally agree with the OP that it's a way more functional feature closer to the peaks, rather than the bottom.


Srtike! :)
It just took me 3 posts to put my idea into your brains. (I realy suck in comunication.)

Agreed Frederic. it doesn't look that great.
But it would be useful IMO. If you would make it as an optional feature like Kip said and i mentioned bevore that would be awesome. Maybe a button above or under the piano button with one line on top and one on the bottom. One bright one dark.

I made a new pich see it in my google drive. (Link few posts up)


And mybe u considder also to show both at the same time. (Keybord and Frequency numbers)


Another gerat feature would be Full half screen for Pro Q2/MB. That you can. Watch left and right on one seperate Second screen. Or mid side or 2 different channels. I would love that!

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