FabFilter User Forum

Any news on upcoming plugins?

Hi guys! I'm curious about what FabFilter will release next. I understand your gonna be secretive but a little promotion isn't a bad thing. Just look at the big companies, there always keeping customers interested with small spoilers. Plus, if I can put something on my wishlist a few month to a year in advance, I have more money to spend :P
Long story shot, please give us some hints about whats next?


I much prefer FabFilter's approach to announcing new plugins and updates compared to the opposite such as Slate, who is notorious for announcing things way too soon, and then taking months or years to deliver.

I'm sure whatever they do next will be great. Aside from a Pro-L 2 update, FabFilter covers all my needs pretty well.

Justin Perkins

From what I have noticed for several years in a row, Fabfilter always seem to release something new or updated about August/September each year, so that means you probably only have to wait another 3 or 4 months to see what that is :-)

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