FabFilter User Forum

ProL Output

I am running PT 12.4 on OSX El Capitan. It seems as though the output setting doesn't save after each session is closed.

If I set it to -0.01 dB, it'll be back at 0 dB when I open the session again. Is there a setting I am missing or a known fix for this possible bug?



Hi Chris,

I just tried saving a session in Pro Tools 12.2 and the output gain was restored correctly, so I can't reproduce this problem. Possibly this is a bug in PT 12.4 but we still need to verify that.

There's a feature in Pro-L where skipping presets doesn't change the output volume (with the small Lock Output button next to the presets button), but I assume that's not what you mean.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you for looking into this.

No, I was not referring to the skipping presets lock output. Just the main output gain on the bottom right.

I supposed this must be a PT 12.4 issue. I remember to adjust the output during each session but sometimes when i have many instances of ProL, it makes recalls a bit difficult.

Hoping you guys can fix the bug.


Hi Chris,

We've found the problem now. It's not related to the Pro Tools version. Instead it's a bug in our AAX plugins. When loading the session state, we compare the loaded parameter values to the default values so we can correctly indicate if you're looking at the default preset, or if it has changed (the Default Setting preset name will then be dimmed). Unfortunately the difference we use to detect the change is too large, so in this case a 0.01 dB difference is ignored and the default Output Level value of 0.00 dB is used instead.

As a workaround for now, you can change your default preset. You can either set the Output Level to e.g. -0.1 dB, so a value like -0.01 will be different enough to be loaded properly. Or you could set it to -0.01 dB so the default value is the value you want. To save the new default preset, click Options > Save As Default in the presets menu.

Our apologies and thanks for letting us know about the problem!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Okay great, thanks for the workaround. Are you guys going to address this in a future update?




Frederik (FabFilter)
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