FabFilter User Forum

Pro-MB: Save analyzer settings with presets and as default

I want to have my default analyzer settings in Pro-MB set to something other then "Medium".

But when I try to save these settings in a preset or "save as default" Pro-MB reverts to the Medium-settings when I launch the next instance.

Is it not possible to store these settings or am I doing something wrong?

I am using Pro Tools 12.

Henning Svoren

Hi Henning,

The analyzer settings are saved automatically. Just change them and the next time you open a new Pro-MB instance, it will use the settings from the last instance that was closed.

However, in Pro Tools this works slightly differently because when you first open a plugin in Pro Tools, PT scans all parameters and saves these internally as <factory default>. Any time you open a new instance, it will restore these factory default parameters, even if you have changed the analyzer resolution in the mean time.

The solution is to close Pro Tools and reopen it. This will cause it to read the new default parameters correctly.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you for a great explanation!

Henning Svoren
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