FabFilter User Forum

DMG Limitless

Been demoing DMG's new limiter, Limitless. Got to say, in my tests thus far it beats out Pro-L in terms of transparency, retaining punchyness and keeping distortion/artifacts to an absolute minimum.

I encourage the developers at FabFilter to take a strong look at DMG's Limitless and consider upgrading Pro-L to reach (or surpass) it in terms of what a modern peak limiter plugin is capable of.

I love FabFilter as a company and have full faith they can do it. A similar thing happened when Pro-Q was updated to Pro-Q2. Curbed my desire to purchase DMG's Eqlibrium. Please follow suite with Pro-L 2. I much prefer you GUI's, general ease of use and customer support over DMG. If the sonic's aren't there though I think we'll see a lot of folks (myself included) eventually switching over to DMG's Limitless.

Joe Pesci

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the heads-up! We're going to have a look and are of course committed to keep Pro-L on top of its class. :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

I did a lot of testing pro L against Limitless before buying and decided for Pro L. Pro l is more transparent than Limitless, Limitless does more change to the audio spectrum, not necessary in a bad sense, but I do not call this transparent. Listen to the snare when applying a good amount of limiting...


Not sure if I would completely take Joe Pesci's words on limiters. Seems a bit far-stretched. If he gave a few pointers on acting, well that's different...

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