FabFilter User Forum

Installed new Fab plugins - no presets anywhere

Hi Guys,

I own Timeless 2, Pro-Q2, Pro-DS

I recently bought a new iMac (with El Capitan, maybe relevant...) and after installing my FabFilter plugins, none of them have any presets.

Of course I tried the "restore factory presets" option in the plugins' menus, but that just results in an error message and no change.

I looked in the folder path that, according to FF help files online, is -suppose- to contain the preset folders: ~/library/audio/presets/fabfilter

But, that folder (fabfilter) doesn't exist! I see other developers listed there, but no entry for fabfilter. So it looks like the presets never got installed at all in the first place.




Just a tiny tip:

Instead of saying "results in an error message" and nothing else, you should include what that error message actually states. It might be rather relevant after all. ;)

Hope you get it sorted! :)

Torben Andersen

Ok, it says:

"Error: Unable to Restore Factory Presets.
Please make sure that your current preset folder path is valid and that your preset folder is not read-only."

However, as noted in the OP, there is no preset folder for fabfilter in the first place, so there's no chance of it being read-only as suggested.



Hi Michael,

That sounds like our plugins are unable to create the preset folder, which is probably due to a permissions problem. Can you try to create the preset folder manually?

See here for the preset folder location:

And see here for a download containing all factory presets:


Frederik (FabFilter)

Same here.

Why is this happening? I have looked at the folder on my system the contents are greyed out? and the 'OPEN' button doesn't illuminate if I try to open a preset manually


Hi Simon,

Are you on OS X? Can you post a screen shot? It definitely sounds like the preset folder is not accessible somehow. Have you tried to reset the permissions on the folder?


Frederik (FabFilter)

same here. new hard drive : can't find preset.
new computer : "can't restore presets" or something.


Hi Julien,

Can you send us an email with full details regarding your OS and what's happening?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I had the same problem,
I sorted it by forcing permissions to "read/write" for all users on the relevant folder, which on my system was the preset folder under admin/library/audio/presets. Normally is hidden but there is a simple way to show it with a terminal command.
Without those permissions the plugins can't write the presets and won't show anything.

I'm on OS 10.11.6 btw


I am also having this problem. OS X Sierra. Fresh install of several fabfilter plugins. I have set the permissions to Read & Write on the ~/Library/Audio/Presets folder, and reinstalled the software. I can not restore the factory presets.


The only way I could get it to work was to manually install all of the presets. Is this a bug with OS X Sierra?


All we know is that on some OS X systems, the presets folder permissions are set such that the plugin cannot write the factory presets. We don't know why this happens, and have never observed it on our own systems. Restoring the permissions or manually copying the factory presets fixes it. We wish we could solve the problem once and for all!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hello all,
just reisntalled fabfilter pro Q2 and having the same problem with sierra. tried everything and did not work. sorry for my ignorance about the topic, but would like to know how to: manually install all of the presets.
How do I do that?
NOT tec savvy at all, so please, a step by step explanation would be greatly appreciated! thanks so much in advance.

Jairo Serrano

Seems it is an issue! Yes same thing here. Even though i see presets folders where thet arr supposed to be, they dont show up in plug-ins... fine if it was Freeware... so how do We install presets manually and Point to folder?

Jeppe Gross

Hi Yeppe,

You can download all presets here:

Here's more information on where presets are stored:


Frederik (FabFilter)

Similar problem in Windows.
Preset path shows as in Dosc/VSTpresets/ folder which is empty. The presets are actually in Docs/fabfilter/One which I believe is correct.
FF Options/Change preset folder (as per instructions) doesn't work. The old preset path is not changed (despite supposedly deleting it). So I can't remove it and cant set it to actual path needed.
Is there a fix rather than a cop-out (e.g. move the files to the wrong path?)


Hi Lowtech,

Note that there are two preset systems: the one in the plugin interface itself, provided via the presets menu; and the one provided by the host. The Change Preset Folder command in the internal presets menu only sets the preset folder for our own preset menu, of course.


Frederik Slijkerman

This has happened every time i've installed your plugins on 3 different machines of different models and ages (all macs), but you're the only plugin developer that this happens with. I've got to say that as someone who owns all of your plugs, uses them regularly, and switches systems fairly regularly, it is really annoying to have to have to re-research the solution every time I install your plugins, so I just gave up using your presets menu altogether. I would assume that it's common enough to maybe develop an official solution and list it prominently somewhere so we don't have to hunt for it. Or change the way your plugins handle presets to something more like every other developer seems to use.
Just a thought. Still love the tools, but this is annoying.


I'm having this same exact problem. Just installed a brand new system on an iMac Pro running Catalina with Pro Tools Ultimate 2020.12.0. Installed Fabfilter total bundle, and none of my Fabfilter plugins have any presets. When I try and navigate to Library/Audio/Presets, there is not a Fabfilter folder. I can't seem to find a download either? (the one listed here does not seem to work). I was running these same plugins on my previous system (iMac with Pro Tools 2018 and all plugins had presets and worked perfectly).

Please help!

Andrew Vastola

Having this same annoying problem on a brand new iMac Pro running Big Sur 11.0.1. No factory presents on ProQ3 or MB. I just installed 97 plugins and this is the only one that is having this weird issue. For the amount of money people are laying down for these professional tools, I'd expect the developer to have a fix by now seeing that we're in Feb 2021.

Chris M

Normally, a FabFilter plug-in will install its factory presets automatically when you run it for the first time. If the plug-in has failed to do so, and you only see an empty preset menu, please check the following:

First of all, open the plug-in in your DAW, click on the (empty) preset menu button and choose Options > Restore Factory Presets.

If this doesn't work, there is probably a permissions issue that prevents the plug-in from installing the factory presets. Open Finder and navigate to the /Users/<your user name>/Library/Audio folder, select the Presets folder and press Cmd+I. In the Sharing & Permissions section at the bottom, make sure you have 'Read & Write' permissions.

After you've corrected the permissions, open the plug-in again and choose Options > Restore Factory Presets again if needed. All presets should now be available.

Since OS X 10.7 (Lion), the user Library folder is marked as hidden by default. To make it visible again in Finder, open Terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities) and enter: chflags nohidden ~/Library

If after this the presets still do not appear, you can install them manually. You can download them here:


After downloading, please unzip and move them to the following folder:

Mac: User/Library/Audio/Presets/FabFilter/
Windows: My Documents\FabFilter\

If there is no such folder in the above location, please create one manually. Please note the 2 capital F's in FabFilter.

After this, reopen your DAW and they should appear in your plug-in.

Ralph (FabFilter)


I'm having this same issue (MacBook Pro / Mojave). I've followed the instructions, created the FabFilter folder within the presets folder and added the factory presets.

Still no presets showing in the plug ins...

You have the route to folder as...


But I have....


If I go in via 'User' I get User/(My Name)/Music/FabFilter/

I've tried putting the presets in both locations - still doesn't work.

Is there something else I can try as currently sitting with expensive plug ins I can't use?



Phil Jubb

Okay, further to the above. I've sorted it, in a manner of speaking.

The issue was that although the presets were now there, the plug ins weren't looking in the right place for them.

If you go into any plug in preset menu, then select 'options' then 'change preset folder'. I quickly saw the Factory Presets folder with 'downloads' so just pointed it there and all now works. Probably better to point it to where the folder should be, but I couldn't seem to find this easily via this route and as now working have left it as is.

Hope this help others with the same issue.

Phil Jubb
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