FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q2 embarrassing moments

I just wanted to figure out a way to get around, or completely turn off the rotate mode on all plugin controls. I have had more than a few embarrassing moments using Pro Q2 and probably another one or two plugs by clicking the wrong part of the control knob and moving the mouse too far to the right after I had thought I was in Vertical mode, resulting in a MAXED out volume for the gain...Ouch. I hate looking like an idiot in front of clients when I present myself as a professional. Unfortunately, these "mistakes" sometimes linger in my mind and make me reach for other plugins when I would normally use something from Fabfilter.

The reason why this happens, over and over again, is because when I'm mixing, i tend to look at the spectrum and don't look directly at where I'm grabbing the controls when changing between nodes, I use my peripheral to get to the knob.

Is there a way to switch between these modes other than where I grab the knob? I would never use the rotate mode if I had the choice, and I despise it's disastrous results when I accidentally do use it. In the end this is about speed, and I want Fabfilter to be not only the best tool that I have, but also the fastest.

Thanks Frederik for taking the time to manage this forum.


That is unfortunate indeed. We don't have hard data on how many people are using the rotational mode for the knobs; I do know that since we introduced the auto-slow down feature for the vertical drag mode, I hardly if ever use rotation mode myself. We could of course add an option to disable it, but that doesn't really seem like the best possible design. We'll think about it!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks. There is another plugin company that implements this pretty well. They just have an option to turn on the rotation mode if needed, otherwise it operates in vertical mode. As you can imagine, cranking the gain knob all the way up on accident can get very loud, luckily it's never happened when someone was monitoring in headphones.

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