FabFilter User Forum

Sidechaining in Bitwig

I can't get sidechain to work properly in Bitwig. Its not compressing the track its on when the audio comes through, and its like I can only hear one or the other, the drums or the synth.


So it works when I have Pro C2 processing like an audio channel, but not when its on a soft synth.


Might be best to contact Bitwig support to ask them if they have a solution for this.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi! I had the same problem and it was nerve wracking. I noticed Pro C works fine. Then I saw in the lower left corner of Pro C2, a very devious light next to MIDI Ctrl. Click the arrow next to MIDI Ctrl and uncheck enable MIDI. It should work just fine after that. (It also explains why it worked fine on audio tracks, since they were no sending the notes on through Pro C2).


Yep, that's because Pro-C 2 triggers on MIDI notes unless you turn off the Enable MIDI option. Like Ableton Live, Bitwig automatically sends all MIDI events on a MIDI track to all effect plugins which causes this effect.

If you'd like to always disable MIDI in Pro-C 2, click Options > Save As Default in the presets menu after you've turned off this option.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks Erkenfresh and Frederik, that was puzzling me too.

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