FabFilter User Forum

Program change only working with Bank 0 in Pro-Q 2

Hi there,

sending bank select and program change messages via clips in Ableton is only working with bank 0 for Pro-Q 2 (which is Bank 1 in Ableton). Higher Banks do not work. I suppose this is a bug on you side since Ableton is sending the correct MIDI data and since it works for the first Bank.

I also tested filtering out the LSB for the bank select, also this does not work.

Thanks for any pointers, Ander.


Hi Ander,

Thanks for the report; we're going to investigate the problem to see if we can reproduce it and find out what's going on.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Ander,

Can you send me a small example session via email that demonstrates the problem? Note that presets are numbered automatically in our plugins, so you need more than 128 presets to get into bank 1 (just checking to see if you're aware of how this works).


Frederik (FabFilter)

I just tested directly sending program change messages via a MIDI keyboard and both bank 0 and bank 1 are working correctly. Note that for e.g. bank 1, you need to send a bank LSB value of 1, and a bank MSB value of 0. In our plugins, you would need to have more than 16384 (128*128) presets to ever use a non-zero bank MSB value. Hope this helps...


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hello Frederic,

is this as designed that the selection of presets via midi program change is only working in VST 3 and not in VST 3?

I tried it in Cubase 8.5 and only VST 2 is working.

Best Regards



Sorry, only working in VST 2 not in VST 3.


This is because VST3 does not support MIDI program changes as far as we can tell.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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