FabFilter User Forum

EQ matching in Pro-Q2 without sidechain?

Is there a way to do an EQ match without having to set up the side chain? All the ways I see require input to the side chain.

I'd love an option to:

1) Have a LEARN TARGET CURVE (the curve we want to wind up with)
2) Option to save/recall that curve (but not mandatory!) This can just sit there as the target curve in a cache if not saved.
3) LEARN SOURCE CURVE (the source we're trying to process to the new curve)
4) Then all the current tweaking tools for the matching curves.

I would use this FAR more often if I didn't have to set up the side chain to learn curves. As it stands I wind up using Acon Digital DeFilter for this since it works without the sidechain.


It's on our wish list to be able to do this in a future version of Pro-Q 2. For now though, I'm sorry to say you can't do it.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for the reply. FWIW The ACON Digital isn't seamless either. It forces me to save a profile to disk and then recall it before I can start matching, which isn't ideal.

Thanks again and I look forward to this addition someday.

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