FabFilter User Forum

ProQ 2 automation playback is sluggish

I'm using ProQ 2 in Protools 12.2 running on Yosemite 10.5. I tried this on both an HD Native set-up as well as a Protools vanilla set-up. The Hd set-up is a 12 core, Mac Pro.

I have ProQ inserted on my dialog tracks and I'm doing notching on dialog clips using automation in Protools.

On playback, the automated EQ setting is slow to kick in, resulting in a very short burst of hum at the beginning of each clip.

My work-around has been to go to each clip and "pre-roll" the automation - in other words have the eq setting kick in before the clip begins. This has been quite time consuming - I'm clicking on the clip, copying the settings, and pasting - so the eq changes a second or so before the clip begins. This solves the issue.

Is there a way to speed up the response?

Has anyone else experienced this?



Hi Andrew,

Which processing mode are you using in Pro-Q 2? Zero Latency, Natural Phase, or Linear Phase?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I'm using Zero latency.

Since my school purchased a bunch of licenses specifically so students can do notch eq'ing on dialog, I want to make sure we figure this out.


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