FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter Pro-Q2 problem in PT12HD OSX 10.10.5

I am experiencing problem with modifier keys in Pro-Q2 in PT12HD. I used to use Alt + click + drag to adjust Q-values and I believe Cmd + click to bypass the individual band. This really made workflow beautiful. But now if I use Ald + click the band returns to default frequency and Cmd + click don't do anything anymore.

Like Pro Tools shortcuts overrode Fabfilter's own. Can there something be done about it?

Best, Tine


This is a known problem, introduced by changes in Pro Tools 12. We'll fix it in an upcoming update for all our plugins.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you very much, I am really happy to know it.

Best regards, Tine


Any info maybe about when the updates are to be released? Because currently Pro-Q is pretty useless for me in this aspect as it really is made to be operated using graph and not knobs.

Best, Tine


I've been waiting for the update as well. Ever since PT12 was launched, using Pro-Q in Pro Tools has been no fun.

Then when I move over to WaveLab I remember how awesome Pro-Q can be because this problem doesn't exist in WaveLab.

Very much looking forward to the update and moving past this.

Justin Perkins

We're working on it but also want to include a lot of other fixes and improvements, most noticeably Retina/High DPI support in all plugins. Currently aiming for a December release. Really sorry for the trouble in the mean time!


Frederik (FabFilter)

That makes sense, but improvements are separate from fixes. The ProQ2 works in 12.0, but not 12.1.

It was such a disruption to my workflow that I uninstalled and went back to 12.0.

What about providing a beta release of the December upgrade that addresses just this issue?

Also, do you know if the same problem exists in 12.2?

MIke Caffrey

The same problem exists for me in 12.2.1

Aiming for a December release seems like an eternity to resolve this simple issue. I always add a few months to proposed software releases as it seems they quite often get delayed.

I've actually been favoring other EQ plugins in PT because of how problematic this is to my workflow even though I prefer the sound of Pro-Q 2 most of the time.

When I get over to WaveLab everything is fine and really makes me wish there could be a beta released ASAP that addressed the option+click bug in PT 12

Justin Perkins

Waiting till December for this fix is not cool.

Jeffrey Frey

pro-q also crashes 12.2.1 if you move the eq from ,like a instrument track to an aux .it might not be the only plug that do that.


Experiencing the same thing in PT 12.2.1 on an HDX system. I too would love to see a fix update sooner than later, if that's possible. I use this EQ on maybe 3/4 of my tracks, and the bug has definitely slowed things down noticeably.

Since upgrading to 12, I've had other bugs with other plugs too, and knowing a bit about how things have changed at Avid, (like all the good folks leaving in droves) I wouldn't get too upset at FF, guys. Avid gives all these developers a LOT of problems to chase down.

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