FabFilter User Forum

Pro C2 Default Views

Hi. Loving the new comp! One issue I am having in Pro Tools is that when I set certain views, for instance, setting the meter range to 36 db or hiding the knee panel, new instances of the plug are not remembering those settings as indicated in the hint pop-up. Using the built in "save as default" does not seem to remedy the issue.

Not a big problem as I can simply save a user default in the PT plug menu but thought I would report this behavior.

Note: Mac OS 10.8.5 / Pro Tools HD 11.2.2

Joe B

Hi Joe,

That's odd. In Pro-C 2, we identified a set of parameters that are visual only (don't affect the sound), such as the display scale or whether the knee display is visible. These are saved as parameters with a session, but we also save these parameters to disk whenever you change them, to be used as defaults for new instances.

The net effect is that when reopening a session, all instances should open just like you had them before, but new instances will open with the settings that you used last. However, this does not apply to the Side Chain Expert button: because it influences the sound, you have to store its new setting using Save As Default in the presets menu.

Having said that, it looks like the system isn't working for you. The default parameter values are saved in a file called InterfaceDefaults.ffd, saved in /Users/<your name>/Library/Application Support/FabFilter/Pro-C 2. Can you check whether this file exists and if it is not read-only?


Frederik (FabFilter)
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