FabFilter User Forum

Stereo Control Plugin?

I'd love to see FabFilter do a simple stereo control plugin similar to DMG Audio's Dualism or Brainworx bx_control V2.

The idea is super simple:

  • Separate Left and Right gain controls. These controls can also be 'linked' for overall gain increases/decreases with just one knob/slider.
  • Separate Mid and Side gain controls. Here is where I feel many of these other plugins go wrong. I prefer to be able to raise or reduce Mid or Side independently as opposed to a global "width control". Essentially a width control does the same thing (usually by raising Side if you increase width and reducing Mid if you decrease width) but my preference is definitely just two independent gain controls, one for Mid, one for Side. There are gain staging reasons for having it work this way.
  • Left and Right phase inversion (independent of each other)
  • Left and Right channel swap
  • Left solo, Right solo, Mid solo, Side solo. Left and Right solo have an "in place" option. I.e. Regular Left or Right solo plays from both speakers (i.e. Left single becomes mono and plays in both left and right speakers) Left or Right solo with "in place" active" sticks to the Left or Right speaker only.
  • A peak meter with over indicator, a correlation meter and a balance meter.

That's it. So yes, a really basic plugin and most of us can get all these things done with a combination of free plugins and built in DAW functionality but to have all these features in one place and done with a beautiful FabFilter GUI would be something I'd buy in a heart beat.

Essentially the idea is incorporating all the functionality you'd see in a high end analog mastering console into a plugin.


" Essentially a width control does the same thing (usually by raising Side if you increase width and reducing Side if you decrease width)"

^What I meant to say.


We'll keep it in mind, thanks for the suggestion!


Frederik (FabFilter)

You are pretty much describing Mathew Lane's DrMS there. So you have something to checkout while FabFilter is developing the most incredible stereo control plugin ever ;)

Avon Barksdale
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