FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q 2 - mapping midi CC

I just got the Pro Q 2 a few weeks ago and I'm loving it. Especially how I can map the bands to my midi controller's knobs - it just feels more natural.

The only thing I'd wish could be added is being able to map the band's Previous and Next selectors to any button of my choice, so by just pressing a button I could switch between bands and control them. The same goes for the band solo function. I havent found much online about Pro Q 2 and midi cc but I noticed those two functions could make a world of difference for users who prefer to use rotary knobs and buttons instead of point and click.


Hi Roberto,

We'll think about extending our MIDI learn system to support this kind of operation. Definitely a good idea!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you Frederik! that would be great!

The reason why it would be helpful to map the Previous and Next to any button in my MIDI controller is because while I'm able to control a band's Gain, Freq and Ratio with the rotary knobs, that doesn't bring up the band controls window on the specific band I'm using, so being able to press a button on my controller and switch over to the band I want would bring up the window and let me know exactly which frequency I'm at, or exactly how many dB I'm increasing/decreasing etc.

As for the band solo button, also mapping it to my controller would make it faster to detect which frequency I need to boost/cut if my hands are already tweaking knobs and all I'd need is to press a solo button.

Thanks again!


Has this been implemented in a recent version? It would make using Q2 with a control surface much easier.


I have just installed the demo and it does not implement this feature yet. This feature would be welcome, indeed.

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