FabFilter User Forum

FF1 would be my best soft-synth ever if:

FF1 would be my best soft-synth ever if:

  • there were real hertz values around knobs, espacially for the MG Frequency! (would be easier to synch to any given BPM division)
  • there was an indicator on some knobs showing that its really set to the middle value, espacially for the pitch knob to avoid accidental detuned sound... actually its a bit hard to get it right when you are on a 21" monitor with hi-res.
  • there was a SINE wave form available.

well, i dont say FF1 isnt awesome, im just telling 3 improvements that could be done to make this VSTi THE perfect monosynth ever for me :)

Guillaume Legault

I would like to add another feature idea:

  • Some controls over the pitchbend wheel!!! Like a semitones scale...
  • Midi mod wheel assignable to any knob with absolute positive values only, offcourse.

Then the midi experience would be just PERFECT.


Hi Guillaume!

Currently, we are working on version 3.0 of FabFilter One which will bring some improvements. We are also thinking about an MG synch option!

About your problem of setting the pitch knob back to 0: any knob of the FabFilter One will reset to its default value when you click it while holding down the CTRL key!


Thanks for the fast reply Floris!

FabFilter One -> a Fabulous software built by a Fabulous team close to their customers!.

i can't wait for the incoming version!
Thank you all.

Guillaume Legault
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