FabFilter User Forum

Feature request - PRO MB crossover point grouping

when dealing with multi mic'd instruments, I generally find hard to mix them since the sum of the tracks always results in a boosted low end. So I generally tend to split the frequencies of those tracks with a crossover.
For example, an upright bass captured with two mics, one for the low end and the other one for the hi end.
However I still miss a an effective and easy way to determine which frequency I would set the crossover point at, since the fact that I have to adjust every instances settings before having the possibility of hearing the result, takes away any immediacy to this operation. That's why I thought that a function that would group several instances of the plugin, like the one in the the slate vcc or in the blue cat gain, would be very handy, so we could play with the frequency and the steepness of the filter and immediately hear the result. An alternative would be to implement a multi sidechain (one for every band) version of PRO MB, so that only one instance is used in an AUX track and the (for example) two tracks of the upright bass would be routed each to these sidechains. Sorry if you find my english being not good enough!

If anyone has some ideas for an alternative solution (routing tracks to auxes, etc.), please let me know.


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