FabFilter User Forum

Pro C Mono on stereo track results in "panned" output?

I was using SONAR 8.5.2 yesterday and mistakenly used an instance of Pro-C Mono x64 VST 2? on a stereo track. We were tracking and this was on a monitor chain so I didn't stop to swap out to the stereo version right away because the players were ready to play.
I figured out something was wrong when I noticed that an instrument that was positioned to the right on a stereo X/Y mic array was coming out of my left monitor.

I deleted the instance of Pro-C Mono and used the proper stereo version of the VST and everything worked great.

It seemed interesting to me that the output would not simply seem like equally leveled left and right channels.

I have a vague recollection that I stumbled on this before, but thought I would post a comment about it in case it is some sort of unexpected behavior that could be fixed to output the equal left and right levels as I mentioned.

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