FabFilter User Forum

A device with this name already exists

Good evening,

Studio One Pro user here (both 2.5 and 3).

I have noticed that when I insert certain plugins on more than one track and try giving them the same name, I sometimes get the error "A device with this name already exists." This seems to happen with some plugins (notably the FabFilter plugins, both VST2 and VST3) but not with others.

For example, I have two tracks, Gtr and Vox. I put a Presonus Compressor on each track and a FabFilter Pro-EQ on each track. I rename both Compressors to "Comp". This works fine, no error. I rename the FabFilter Pro-EQ to "EQ" on the Gtr track. Then I try renaming the FabFilter Pro-EQ on the Vox track to the same name, "EQ", I get the error "A device with this name already exists." It would appear that some plugins require each instance to have a different name.

The default name given to those plugins that exhibit the problem by Studio One when they are inserted on a track or bus ends with numbers to make them unique, for instance "FabFilter Pro-EQ 4 3".

Can anyone explain what's going on? Is this a problem with FabFilter? Studio One? A combination of the two? I do not have the problem in REAPER, but then again, I do not have the problem with some 3rd party plugins in Studio One either.


Studio One generates this error. How you name the plugin in the host doesn't matter to our plugins at all; we simply don't even know the name.

I believe that it might have to do with the external side chain in our plugins, or with MIDI support. It's very likely Studio One doesn't want multiple plugins ("devices") with the same name in this case, because you wouldn't be able to tell the difference when routing e.g. MIDI or side-chain audio to them.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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