FabFilter User Forum

Suddenly missing FF plugins [Cubase8/Win7/64bit]


I opened up a session i worked on about 2 weeks ago...

Cubase is now showing me an alert window that says "The plugin "Fabfilter XYZ" could not be found for insert ## (# = tracks, busses, etc.).

For Cubase this means i cant "open" it to save my settings. The only thing i can do is to re-open the plugin and lose my settings.

- Its only affecting Fabfilter plugs.
- Out of all of the FF plugins i used, only a few are affected (about 2~4 channels).

I did a quick search and found some similar problems but only when they're changing systems with different OS's (OSX > Win, hacintosh, etc). I however, only have this one PC.

Whats going on?

my interface, Cubase and FF plugins are all up to date.



That sounds very odd. Which FabFilter plugins are affected?

Can you still open new instances of those plugins?


Frederik (FabFilter)


its fine here..

win7x64, cubase 8.0.2

hope this helps?

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