FabFilter User Forum

Sugestion: Upward/downward expansion and compression in Pro-C 2

Hi FabFilter Peoples,

I don't know if there are any plans for a Pro-C 2, but I would really like to see some of the capabilities of Pro-MB in a less processor heavy single band variant.
Functionalities like upward and downward expansion and upward compression would be really cool. 'Negative' ratios (like DMG Compassion offers) would also be cool. Some other suggestions:
- A range option.
- A mode for extreme speeds, like 0.01 ms or faster.
- Extremely slow speeds for riding and pads.
- Control over the relation between the compressor's attack speed and the amplitude/RMS of the signal.
- Control over the relation between the compressor's attack speed and the speed of amplitude/RMS increase of the signal.
- Morphing between modes.
- Maybe combining (some parts of) Pro-C and Pro-G?

I understand you can't implement everything and I understand you don't want to overcomplicate things, but on the other hand power user options can make plugins unique.



Hi Jimmy,

We do have plans to improve Pro-C in some of the areas you're mentioning. But both download and upward expansion are already offered by Pro-G!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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