FabFilter User Forum

Crashes my computer

My computer started crashing after I authorised Fab filter ProL ,freezing protools 11 on windows 7
I restored my computer to an earlier time and this wiped out nortons antivirus .I uninstalled ProL and everthing is ok
There was no problem when T was running ProL in the trial period only when I authorised it
Whats going on ?

Robert Skiffington

Just going to drop in with a few things you could try.

Disable the GPU accelleration for the plug-in. The plug-in alone certainly shouldn't be crashing your system, but the combination of it using the GPU might (driver conflict or what not).

Check Windows' Event Viewer for any alerts/errors. Windows Logs -> System is probably the first place to start - then Application. See if there's anything from when your computer crashes which might lead you to find the source of the issue.

Naturally make sure all your drivers are up-to-date.

Might not solve your problem, but it's a place to start at least. :)

Torben Andersen

Hi Robert,

I honestly don't think that your crashing issue was caused by authorizing Pro-L. Can you please try downloading, installing and authorizing it again?

Perhaps best to leave Norton uninstalled for now to see if that has an effect.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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