FabFilter User Forum

Can you have a band in Pro-MB smaller than 1 octave ??

Seems impossible to have a band narrower than 1 octave.

is there any advance feature to make them smaller ??


Murray Campbell

Hi Murray,

This is currently not possible.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks Frederick
When you say "currently" is a change planned ?


Murray Campbell

Hi Murray,

No, we're not planning to change that. After careful analysis and testing while doing research for Pro-MB, our conclusion was that smaller bands are not really worth the trouble. They start to affect a very small amount of the spectrum if you go below one octave.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Fingers crossed! I think the only thing missing in the otherwise spectacular Pro-MB is steeper filter slopes -> narrower bands. I find that most of the time 48 dB/oct is more than enough, but occasionally I've needed (ok, wanted) to control a very narrow band and then I've had to do the "DIY multiband compressor" thing.

For which, btw, Pro-Q2 works like a charm and allows you to get up to 192 dB/oct (!) crossovers that null perfectly, and Pro-MB itself in single-band mode on each bus beats anything else I've tried. So, if you think about it, it is actually possible... :-)



Oops, Frederik beat me to it... Ok, so it's not going to happen, but you still have the DIY option, which works wonderfully...


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