FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q issue on 13" rMBP


I'm demoing a few EQs and Pro-Q is one of them. So far I like everything about it save one important issue: every time I load it and run it via Reaper the fan in my computer comes on and gets very loud. This isn't the case for the native EQ in Reaper or DMG's Equalizer.

I've had the computer for a year and a half and have never heard the fan. I'm editing/mastering nature recordings and my Reaper sessions are very, very light: one stereo track with a touch of EQ.

Any ideas?


Hi Benjamin,

It might be that Pro-Q's use of graphics acceleration is activating the graphics card in your rMBP which causes the issue. When I try Pro-Q 2 in Reaper 32-bit Windows on a 15" rMBP (running Boot Camp), the fan doesn't come on though.

Which edition of Reaper are you running? (32/64 bit, OS X or Windows?)

You could try to disable graphics acceleration:


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks, Frederik, running the line command to disable graphics acceleration helped. The fan no longer revs up after a few minutes and my machine remains cool.

An issue remains when I go into full screen mode: the spectrogram lags and become unusable. The issue is is somewhat resolved when exiting out of full screen mode. The spectrogram has a better time keeping up but remains a little choppy.

I'm running the very latest edition of Reaper in 64 bit. I have a late 2013 rMPB with the integrated Intel Iris graphics. Does your 15" have a dedicated graphics chip? I'm starting to think the 13" rMBP my present a hardware limitation.


The 15" definitely has beefier graphics. The 13" has an integrated Intel GPU if I'm not mistaken. With graphics acceleration off, full screen mode is not going to work well unfortunately: there are just too many pixels to push to the screen for the regular processor.

I'll test with a 13" rMBP to see if I can reproduce the issue. Do you use OS X or Windows (e.g via Boot Camp)?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I'm running OS X 10.10.2.

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