FabFilter User Forum

What are the advantages of the Pro-DS and Pro-G over the Pro-MB?

I use the MB in all sorts of ways, on every track … compression as well as gating, in all different frequency ranges. I was just wondering if anyone had some insight into what the Gate and De-Esser plugins could possibly do for me beyond what the Multiband can do, as it seems very full featured!


Algorithmic differences. For instance, full-band compression with Pro-MB will achieve different results than full-band Pro-C compression.


Hi Dimitri,

Yes, Kevin is right. Pro-MB can indeed do de-essing, but Pro-DS is a lot better at it, because its algorithms have been designed especially for that purpose. And Pro-DS has an Intelligent mode for single vocals, which of course Pro-MB doesn't have.... Same goes for Pro-G: its algos have been especially designed for gating/expansion!


Floris (FabFiter)

I just bought Pro-DS after trying really really hard to get Pro-MB to De-ess as well as Pro-DS. (I was demoing both) I came pretty close but DS is just WAY faster to dial in, and sounded better to me. Buying another De-esser wasn't very sexy, but I'm very happy with it. Thanks FF!

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