FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 2 + Cubase 8/Yosemite Bug?

I've experienced some strange behaviour with Pro-Q 2 in Cubase 8.

If I leave a project open overnight and return to it in the morning, the tracks with Pro Q 2 inserted will either be completely silent or distorted and only playing through the left stereo channel. Removing and adding a new instance revolves the problem.

It's happened several times, but only if the project is open overnight.

I'm using Yosemite on a Mac and Cubase 8, I wonder if it's something to do with 'App Nap' (which I've disabled in Cubase)?

Jon Wright

Hi Jon,

Thanks for the report. Can you reproduce this problem if you create a new empty project with just a single audio track and Pro-Q 2 on it?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,

I'll give that a try overnight tonight and let you know the results.



Jon Wright

Hi Frederik,

Well I tried with a single audio track and didn't have a problem, then last night it happened again on another project, the main difference being it was on an instrument track.

So I'll test a single VI track tonight to see what happens.



Jon Wright

Hi Frederik,

I can confirm it happened with an instrument track overnight last night.

It's also happened again on live projects I'm working on. All instances of Pro Q 2 were affected.



Jon Wright

Hi Jon,

Thanks for confirming that. We'll try to reproduce the problem ourselves.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,

I reported a similar problem with ProQ v1.23 last year (Case #28779). Perhaps they are related?


We've tried to reproduce the problem: I let Pro-Q 2 run on an instrument track for a night, but in the morning everything was still completely normal. Can you send us a Cubase session with only FabFilter plugins in it to demonstrate the issue? Please use the Contact link at the bottom of this page.

@Yutaka: Thanks, interesting link. We couldn't reproduce your report either, but perhaps these problems are related indeed.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,

Just so you know I sent through ab email last week with an attached Cubase file, I didn't get a reply so hopefully it got through to you.



Jon Wright
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