FabFilter User Forum

I feel like Pro-DS can be improved

Any plans to improve the algorithm in Pro-DS?

Don't get me wrong, I really like Pro-DS and it's my main De-esser. That being said I find it a bit grabby and hard to dial in on finished mixes without getting kinda choppy and latching on to audio that are not sibilance. Even a strong "S" sound seems to often get reduced into fragments when previewing the GR no matter how much I tweak settings.

My favorite De-esser I've ever used is the free Spitfish plugin by digitalfishphones. Long discontiued and it no longer works on intel based macs. It was so smooth. Had a way of just gain reducing sibilance without touch any of the other audio in the sibilance spectrum.

Anyway, I'm a very strong fan of FF. I own Pro-Q 2, Pro-L, Pro-MB and Pro-DS. Happy with all of them but Pro-DS just seems to get kinda grabby for me.

Mr. Master

I need to read the manual close, but I also feel that there is at least one mode where it's reducing all the frequencies on S sounds rather than just the selected frequency range in the GUI.

I'll have to pay closer attention and also study up on the manual again.

Maybe somebody can explain in simpler terms.

Justin Perkins

I've read through the manual multiple times and have really spent time tweaking it (and I've owned it since it's release).

Like I said prior I was using Spitfish. That De-esser has a built of a cult following but it wont run on any intel based mac. Pro-DS is certainly not bad, it's still my go-to de-esser but I just feel it could be better. Gets a little grabby/choppy.

I'd love to see some focus on improving this plugin. Perhaps take a look into Spitfish and how it handles sibilance.

Mr. Master

Hi Mr. Master,

Interesting thoughts. Would it be able to send us some snippets of audio on which you feel Pro-DS could perform better? Then we can test and see if there's room for improvement!


Floris (FabFilter)
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