FabFilter User Forum

proQ2 - solo mode behaviour

So I thought I'll get used to the new solo mode behavior, but it is simple less usefull in many situations than the way it behaved in ProQ1.

Now (with proQ2) I guess it stays the same level as it is in the signal and with proQ1 the soloed band was quite loud (highlighting the band). What happens with ProQ2 in mixing/sounddesign situation is that more often than less the signal just dissapears (that's how quiet it gets in solo mode).

Could we please have option to choose the band-solo behavior between old and new? It would be very helpfull.



We'll think about how we could improve this in the future. We changed the behavior because some users complained about the increase of gain with Pro-Q v1's solo feature, but maybe we can improve it further still.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for considering it. The way how it works now is great for mastering. The old behaviour was great for mixing (IMO). It was like a neon light saying "this is the frequency" even in a crowded mix.

Can't go to the old proQ1, ProQ2 sounds so much better ;-).


How about this: in solo mode, Alt + moving the mouse up/down adjusts the gain, just like Ctrl + mouse up/down adjusts the bandwidth?

I've said elsewhere that I much prefer the Q2 behaviour, but there are still times when I wish I could adjust the gain on the fly to make it a little louder / quieter, without having to touch my track or overall monitoring level...



Hi Cabirio,

That's a really interesting thought. We're going to keep that in mind for a future update!

Floris (FabFilter)

Afraid I have to concur with the OP - I know a lot of people have chimed in about this, and it was improved with the last update, but try as I might to like it, the solo behavior of the ProQ2 is just not as useful as the original ProQ. Now I have to fuss with monitor gain, and often with Q and band gain in order to hear what I need to hear; the behavior in ProQ seemed almost perfect, always letting me zero in easily and without fuss. Sure wish the ProQ2 could work as well.


Rich Breen

Well, Pro-Q 2.02 is out and, among other things:

"Introducing Solo Gain. While soloing a band, you can now adjust the listening gain by moving the mouse up and down"

You guys are unreal... Big, BIG thanks!


Thanks for implementing it, it's very usefull. I'd prefer if the volume didn't reset back to starting point (and stay where I left it) after leaving and re-entering the solo mode. But it's not crucial.

thanks again.

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