FabFilter User Forum

ProQ solo frequency gone

Using ProQ with auria, headphone/solo icon has disappeared. The spectrum analyzer is pretty much why I shelled out extra for ProQ (which is fantastic, btw) again, using auria, iPad Air. This is a deal breaker and needs to be fixed, thanks!


The parameter display with the solo button depends on mouse over actions, which aren't possible with a touch interface. We'll think about a possible other solution though.


Frederik (FabFilter)

ahhh, now i see. I have the slightest idea how "Show EQ parameter display" became un-checked in the help menu, but there you have it. Works like a charm. Seriously, the analyzer is worth the price of admission alone, the reason I bought this plugin. Thanks for an extremely useful tool, sorry about my confusion!


Now I understand what happened too, thanks for the follow-up! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)
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