FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q-2 and Fairlight Dream


Using a demo of the Pro Q2 in Fairlight Dream software and there are a couple of things.

Firstly, the plugin doesn't support the mouse scroll wheel. When I try to adjust the Q using the scroll wheel it zooms in and out on the editing window instead!

I mix post, and this EQ is proving to be very helpful on my dialogue tracks. I like to save plugin presets, but one issue with automation in this is that when I select a preset, it doesn't seem to register a "touch" when it jumps to that setting, this means that those settings are then written across the whole project, rather than the change in settings being written as automation.

I'll give an example:

I have 10 bands on the Pro Q inserted on my DX tracks. A high pass filter, low pass filter, high and low shelves and the rest are bell/notches depending on how I'm feeling.

On a scene I'll put the system into preview mode, and adjust the EQ using the mouse. This is all working fine. When I am happy with the EQ for a scene, I highlight a range across the scene and select "Preview Fill Range" - this floods the range (scene) with the values of the EQ. Visually inside the software, you can tell if a specific parameter has had it's value changed by preview because it'll show up Yellow.

So later on I want to apply a phone voice effect, selecting the phone preset removes all the bands but doesn't register them as being "touched" - so these are not put into preview and these new values are being written across the whole session.

The ideal is that when I'm going through episodic TV, I can just select a preset for the scene, like "Gary's office" "Police meeting room" "Margaret's Living Room" etc. - but as presets are not registering as "touches" I can't skip from preset to preset as I go down the session.

Having presets like this is doable because Waves plugins do support this. When I select a preset all the controls flash as if all the settings had been inputted by myself.

I hope this is clear, I do have a bit of a kludgy workaround right now for this issue. Otherwise I'm really enjoying the EQ, it's really helping my mixer sound better and be done faster.

Laustin Spayce

Hi Laustin,

The mouse wheel works on the Q parameter if the mouse cursor is in the vicinity of a control point for a band. When the mouse cursor is over the frequency labels, the wheel will do horizontal zooming.

Selecting a preset doesn't record automation. Potentially this could create hundreds of automation actions at once and many hosts are unable to deal with this correctly, unfortunately.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik,

Thanks for your response. What I mean by the mouse wheel is that it doesn't work full stop in Fairlight. The pointer is hovering over a node and... Nothing. The pointer is elsewhere in the plug and again nothing! Is there any other way to zoom in/out?

Also the plugin doesn't work in offline/clip plugin mode. Was hoping to use it to just notch out some tone for a bit but nope.

I've also noticed some ringing when using a notch with high Q (40) and extremely steep curves (48 dB/oct +).

Thanks for your response.

Laustin Spayce

Hi Laustin,

We have no experience with the Fairlight Dream software ourselves unfortunately. I think it's possible that the Fairlight host somehow intercepts mouse wheel events before the plugin gets to see them. Would it be possible for you to contact Fairlight instead to see what they have to say?


Frederik (FabFilter)
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